• Question: what makes your job the most importent

    Asked by michael12345 to Alex, Jools, Lynz, Matt, Rika on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Matthew Dickinson

      Matthew Dickinson answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I would not say that my job alone is very important. What I would say is that my work will contribute to the greater purpose of the engine along with the others. Kind of like in a clock if all the gears don’t work it will not work, my job makes me one of the gears in that clock.

    • Photo: Julie Greensmith

      Julie Greensmith answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      As Matt said, our jobs by themselves are not the most important. Its that we are all working together as a massive family of different scientists and engineers to make life better 🙂 What makes my job important to me is that I can make technology better for society and hopefully make people happy in the long term. Also i have to be a teacher for university students which is important so that we have people to do computer programming! Teaching about science is just as important as doing it!!!
