• Question: what is the most dangerous experiment you have ever done

    Asked by tigger2 to Rika, Lynz, Jools, Alex on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Julie Greensmith

      Julie Greensmith answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      Measuring people’s thrill levels on motorbikes on a speedway – going 80mph on a bike is pretty dangerous in the rain!!

    • Photo: Chandrika Nair

      Chandrika Nair answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      i haven’t done any particularly dangerous experiments but i often use chemicals that can cause cancer so there is the potential for danger to my health! (thankfully i have equipment to make sure i’m not exposed, such as a fume hood that doesnt let the chemical escape etc)

    • Photo: Alex Davenport

      Alex Davenport answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hmmm Id like to cap Julies and say I once measured the anger of great white sharks my poking them with a stick whilst being covered in steak but its simply not true. I suppose my most dangerous stuff is based around sometimes using strong acids and/or Mutagens. I wish Mutagens would make me an Xman but in reality, i’ll just get cancer.
