• Question: What is the meaning to life?

    Asked by tanktasker to Alex, Jools, Lynz, Matt, Rika on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Matthew Dickinson

      Matthew Dickinson answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Well at the age of 30 I am not sure I have this question down yet but here goes, the meaning of life for me is, what I like to call “The Spark” this is something thats in your life. Its that one thing you can not wait to do when you get up in a morning, its that one thing you read books about or watch fims and TV to learn more about. All in all I think the meaning of life is to love living it or somthing like that.

    • Photo: Lyndsey Fox

      Lyndsey Fox answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      The meaning of life is 42. Fact.

      (If you haven’t already, read hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, it’s all in there.)

    • Photo: Chandrika Nair

      Chandrika Nair answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Besides 42, I think the meaning of life is to be happy and hopefully make a positive impact on others.

      However, from an evolutionary point of view, the aim of life is to have as many grandchildren as possible (this is the definition of genetic fitness!)
