• Question: is it true that monkeys can give birth to different nmutant and can evolution still exist

    Asked by anon-12965 to Alex, Jools, Lynz, Matt, Rika on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Julie Greensmith

      Julie Greensmith answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      In any reproductive process, mistakes can be made when the DNA of the parents are shuffled up and copied. Some of these mistakes dont make any difference to the baby, some of them produce really dramatic effects. I am a bit of a mutant – a mistake in my DNA means that my first and middle finger on my right hand are the same length. This is a mutation in the growth instructions for the bones in my fingers. Weird huh.

      So, evolution still exists I think – where evolution is selection of the best individuals who can adapt to a change in their environment. We see this where we can study many generations of a species.

    • Photo: Alex Davenport

      Alex Davenport answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Evolution exists most definatley 🙂
      Everything evolves, the speed depends on pressures around us 🙂
      Thats doesnt mean we are going to have big awesome science brains in the future (I wish!) But who knows what the fyuture will hold. I holding out for wings
